My Shop Story

It all started when I was young - always writing, drawing, or leaving notes around the house. Well... that sounds like every kid, doesn't it? How about I skip forward a little.

In High School and through College, I helped my mom refinish furniture - I guess you could say it started here. After years of helping her, I decided to take my fascination of creating and mix it together with my love of stained wood.

So I went to Hobby Lobby and bought the paint pens. I got home, grabbed all of my stains, and spare pieces of wood in the garage and told the Lord, "Let's just see what comes of this."

Funny enough, my friends started asking for signs. Then, my family. Then, friends of friends! And before I knew it, in 2018, my Etsy shop was birthed. I told the Lord, "Have your way.".

I have come a long way, with many moments of stepping forward, and then releasing for a season, stepping forward, and then releasing for a season - as the Lord spoke and lead. But now, here I am... living out one of my biggest DREAMS.

Time often feels like it steals from us, but the Lord has taught me that it is irrelevant. I could live a life of, "what ifs", but if I had I wouldn't be here today - with the message I feel the Lord wants to release into homes, hearts, and lives right now!

// YHWH always completes what He starts, works it together for our good, and accomplishes what He has spoken. His intent is always lovingly and passionately intentional.

Meet Natalie

Natalie Grover is first a daughter of YHWH and a worshipper. She is a wife, worship leader, songwriter, creator, writer, matcha and chai drinker, and a business owner. She loves people and is committed to making Yeshua known - through her gifts, conversations, marriage and life.

// Always growing more into who she was already created to be, through beloved identity, and seeking to bring Yeshua's presence into every environment and atmosphere she steps into.